unit distance中文什么意思

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  1. 2 . gradual growth mode of product expansion : keep one coordinate , which is in the enterprise ' s value network , unaltered and the other one move ( once only moving one unit distance ) , then extend like this once by once
  2. Detailed speaking , every time enterprise expands or keeps its product ' s portrait position in value chains unchanged and moves one unit distance in basic value chains . or vv . induce as so , gradual expansion can make enterprise ' s product move and therefore realize the incessant development of the enterprise
  3. Owing to the limitation of the ray method in analyzing the field distribution and transmit power of optical waves in fibers we decide to apply waveguide theory for analyzing dcf with truncated inner cladding in an at tempt to find out the divergences of different types of dcf with truncated inner cladding in absorption efficiency in unit distance


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  3. unit displacement 什么意思
  4. unit displacement method 什么意思
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  6. unit distance code 什么意思
  7. unit distributed control system 什么意思
  8. unit distribution 什么意思
  9. unit distributor 什么意思
  10. unit divisor 什么意思


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